ISPO-Sweden: The Juvenile with Amputation or Malformation

Hotell Courtyard Stockholm Kungsholmen Rålambshovsleden 50,Stockholm,Sverige

ISPO Sweden invites to an international symposium: The Juvenile with Amputation or Malformation: surgery, rehabilitation and prosthetic solutions Last ned invitasjon og program: Invitation-to-The-Juvenile-with-Amputation-or-Malformation-2.0.pdf Program-The-Juvenile-with-Amputation-or-Malformation_-surgery-rehabilitation-and-prosthetic-solutions.pdf


OsloMet Pilestredet 46 - Rom: Athene 1,OSLO,Norge

Fagdag om "benamputasjon" Vi som jobber med amputasjon er spredt over hele landet – fagdagen gir en unik mulighet til komme sammen for å utveksle erfaringer og få faglig påfyll. Fagdagen har begrenset med plasser – så vær rask med påmeldingen! Arrangør: Oslo Universitetssykehus, Sophies Minde, ISPO og OsloMet Klikk her for registrering og betaling...

ISPO Sverige: Amputationskurs 2020

Scandic Crown, Göteborg Polhemsplatsen 3,Göteborg,Sverige

ISPO`s amputationskurs 2020 Göteborg 19-20 mars! Detta är ett unikt tillfälle för dig som vill lära dig hur du ska behandla/träna och vårda den benamputerade patienten. Kursen kommer att fokusera på hur de olika professionerna arbetar i egna områden men framförallt hur vi agerar tillsammans i teamet. Kursen är riktat till dig som är fysioterapeut,...


Leipziger Messe GmbH Messe-Allee 1,Leipzig,Tyskland

OTWorld.connect will be held online from 27 to 29 October 2020 and will offer continuing education and knowledge exchange in the field of modern medical aids and equipment. Participate from the comfort of your home! The majority of the virtual World Congress, with over 250 confirmed speakers and presentations from 20+ countries, will be presented...

SOTF webseminar: «3D-printing inom ortopedtekniken»

Vänner inom ortopedtekniken i Skandinavien. Svensk Ortopedteknisk Förening inbjuder härmed till vår första webbaserade Föreläsning/Utbildning: onsdag den 10 februari kl.16.30-17.45. Idén till utbildningen har vi fått i samband med att vi under senare tid haft nästan alla våra möten digitalt och att man även inom skolvärlden använder sig av webbaserade föreläsningar. SOTF vill prova detta...

1st International Conference on Phantom Limb Pain

R-huset, Mölndal Hospital Göteborgsvägen 31,Mölndal,Sverige

Phantom Limb Pain (PLP) is a prevalent condition after amputation that has intrigued scientists for over a century. PLP can considerably hinder a person’s quality of life and no universally accepted guidelines exist for its prevention and treatment. The aim of the 1st International Conference on Phantom Limb Pain (ICPLP2021) is to bring together world-renowned experts...

Nordic Prosthetics and Orthotics Congress 2021

Digital Meeting

Welcome to NOK 2021 – Virtual conference! 12th Nordic Congress of Prosthetics and Orthotics September 13-17 Register here!  Dear colleagues, The Swedish Prosthetist and Orthotist Association (SOIF)  is very honored to invite you to the 12th Nordic Prosthetics and Orthotics Congress. The event has now been altered into a virtual format and will take place on September 13-17,...

ISPO UK & Norway Members Societies Joint Annual Scientific Meeting

Digital Meeting

This autum, ISPO UK MS and ISPO Norway MS will be holding their Annual Scientific Meetings together. An invitation to attend this meeting is also extended to other ISPO Member Societies in the North Sea Region. Due to the ongoing uncertainty and restrictions the event will be held online. All registered participants will receive a...

ISPO 18th World Congres – virtual edition

Digital Meeting

ISPO 18th World Congress will be a virtual event in 2021 The International Society for Prosthetics and Orthotics (ISPO) has decided to hold the ISPO 18th World Congress planned for 1 to 4 November 2021 as a virtual event and not on site in Mexico. ISPO puts the health and safety of participants, presenters, exhibitors,...