Newspaper Style
Sammen dro Ina Dybvig, Ortopediingeniør, og Stine Dybvig til Prey Veng i Kambodsja 26.12-28.12 for…
Photos and presentation slides from the ISPOs Autumn Seminar: «The Foot in Diabetes – Rehabilitation, Prosthetic & Orthotic Management», are now available.
Dear Mr Nilsen, Please find attached a letter from the ISPO Election Officer Terry Supan…
The ISPO World Congress 2015 Scientific Committee has decided to extend the deadline to receive…
In 2009 a partnership between four institutions in four different countries – Malawi, Tanzania, Cambodia and Norway. Together they are creating opportunities and building capacity within the field of physical rehabilitation in Africa, Asia and Norway, first of all for people with disabilities but also for health care professionals.
ISPO Norge har inngått samarbeid med de andre nordiske ISPO-landene om at medlemmer innen norden…
Blog Post Formats
ISPO International sine hjemmesider tilbyr en omfattende oversikt over kommende kurs, seminarer og kongresser ISPO international ISPO – Verdenskongresser.. ISPO – Kurs.. ISPO – Andre arrangement..
Presentasjoner fra kurset kan nå lastes ned fra Sophies Minde Ortopedi sine hjemmesider
Fra 4. februar til 7. februar ble ISPO verdenskongress arrangert i Hyderabad/India.
Blog Layout 1
Sammen dro Ina Dybvig, Ortopediingeniør, og Stine Dybvig til Prey Veng i Kambodsja 26.12-28.12 for…
Photos and presentation slides from the ISPOs Autumn Seminar: «The Foot in Diabetes – Rehabilitation, Prosthetic & Orthotic Management», are now available.
Dear Mr Nilsen, Please find attached a letter from the ISPO Election Officer Terry Supan…
The ISPO World Congress 2015 Scientific Committee has decided to extend the deadline to receive…
In 2009 a partnership between four institutions in four different countries – Malawi, Tanzania, Cambodia and Norway. Together they are creating opportunities and building capacity within the field of physical rehabilitation in Africa, Asia and Norway, first of all for people with disabilities but also for health care professionals.
ISPO Norge har inngått samarbeid med de andre nordiske ISPO-landene om at medlemmer innen norden…
Blog Layout 2
Part 1: Standards.PDF Part 2: Implementation Manual.PDF WHO, in partnership with the International Society for Prosthetics and Orthotics (ISPO) and the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), has published…
The Atlas Of Spinal Orthotics is an Open Learning (free-to-use) medical textbook covering the history and use of spinal orthotics in the treatment of many disorders and injuries. The book…
Abstraktet er skrevet med bakgrunn i fullført masteroppgave (juni 2016) innen strategi- og kompetanseledelse og har tittelen: Building P&O services through international partnerships: A case study investigating the strengths of collaboration in…
The twinning seminar lasted three days with participants from different Asian countries. The seminar was split into two parts. The first part focused on Ischial Containment AK sockets. In total…
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